Although Telegram’s token may have been ignored by the SEC, its messaging app is being embraced all over the world. Pavel Durov’s encrypted platform that encrypts all transactions is a success. It has been embraced by over 300 million people. Telegram’s outages are rare, but there is always a noticeable dip in cryptosphere chatter. Crypto Telegram is full of activity the rest of time. Here are some of the highlights.
Telegram is alive and well in 2019
After a brief flirtation with Discord and Slack, the cryptosphere established camp on Telegram in 2018. It has been there ever since. Crypto Twitter is for thought leadership, serious discourse and occasional mud-slinging. Crypto Telegram, however, is for trading, market data access, and sharing dank memes with the sticker set.
The token sales are also important, as it would be remiss to ignore them. Even after the ICO, IEO engagement rules require that there be a strong Telegram following for crypto projects. Telegram channels are a central point for the community to receive updates on token sales dates, projects and bounty campaigns.
Ten of the Top Telegram Crypto Channels
The Token sale monitoring service ICOspeaks compiled a list of the most popular Telegram channels. This list includes both English and Russian translations of the most popular cryptocurrency news and exchange feeds. The following channels provide an overview of crypto Telegram’s offerings. Check out more about Charity Coin
ICO Drops
Many prominent Telegram channels still have the name “ICO” as a legacy from 2018, despite their content becoming much more extensive. ICO Drops is a good example. Although it still covers token sales and other industry news, its most valuable content touches upon general industry information: Bakkt; custodial strategies; SEC enforcement. The infographics that accompany it provide an overview for those who don’t have time to read the full article.
ICO Analytics
ICO Analytics is in the same boat with ICO Drops. But it’s not a clone. The quality of the channel’s research speaks for its self. You’ll find data on exchange token performance, token sale ROIs and other metrics here in neatly formatted charts and bar graphs.
Ten of the Top Telegram Crypto Channels
Cointrendz is a platform for swing traders. It provides regular updates about which cryptocurrencies are emerging. It’s also known as pumping. Cointrendz can help you if your strategy is to follow the volume and take what you can from the top. Cryptonomia is a very similar service. Check out more about Charity Coin
You know that you have to promote your channel on a list of similar channels. Here’s ours. Here’s a stream of all articles published on If you like the preview, click ’em. Don’t click ’em if you don’t like the preview snippet. The unaffiliated, and appropriately named Bitcoin Cash News, will provide pure Bitcoin Cash news. Spanish-speaking users should also check out Crypto Noticias.
The Crypto Room
The channels have been accessible only to read, which is great for learning, but if you want to engage, you should find a discussion channel that is open to everyone. Although there are many candidates, The Crypto Room is the best for flow and focus (some channels move too fast).